Mellor Mill Plan 1876
Hi All,
I have been so busy recently that I haven't managed to put any new content in 'Bob's Mill Diary' on the website or send you, our volunteers, any information. The project management team are very busy getting the final bits of information together for our HLF Stage 2 submission which is due to be handed over to The Heritage Lottery Fund Officers on 28th May. We are getting there, despite deadlines being very tight, and we have every confidence that we will make a quality submission.
Recently a new plan of Mellor Mill was discovered. The plan dates from 1876. One interesting feature, which we will start to investigate this coming weekend, is a small building to the south of the gas retort house. This building has not appeared on any other plans or maps either prior to 1876 or after. What was it's purpose? We don't know but we will do our best to find out!
I have spent part of today with a Landscape Architect planning pathways and railings for our project.
We are seeing increasing numbers of visitors to the site and a huge amount of support for our project - all very encouraging. Tomorrow, Friday 10th May will see 20+ visitors to the site from Hazel Grove Local History Society and on Sunday we will be greeting 35+ visitors from Marple Local History Society. We are still seeking more tour guides for Mellor Mill - so if you think you would like to talk to visitors please let us know and we will arrange a training session for you and give you folder of information to use on your tours.
I am attaching a copy of the 1876 plan, above, for you to study and, hopefully, enjoy.
I look forward to seeing you down at the Mill site - every weekend, anytime, between 10 am and 4 pm.
best wishes