This DVD, acting as a companion to the Trust publications, The Secrets of Mellor Hilltop and Life on the Edge, is produced by Chris Mann of Manmade Productions.
Price: £12.50 + postage & packing.
Contents include,
- The area's key finds
- New dig pictures and Virtual Reality made since the publication of its sister volumes, The Secrets of Mellor Hilltop and Life on the Edge
- In depth interviews with experts
- Key speeches from the Stockport Town Hall conference that marked the culmination of the three year Mellor Heritage Project
All publications may be ordered from Judith Wilshaw, by phoning 0161 427 7285. They can be collected from 25 Hollingworth Drive, Hawk Green, Marple SK6 7JE or will be posted 2nd class large letter rate as soon as payment is received. Payment to be in cash or by cheque, made payable to ‘Mellor Archaeological Trust’.
Limited number of DVDs, however can be reordered in small lots.