
I will not be down at the Wellington Wheel Pit for the next two weekends - 22/23 and 29/30 October.    However Bernard Sewart and a colleague of his, Kevin, have kindly agreed to ensure the trailer is down at the entrance as usual and there you will find everything you need to carry on with the tasks.  We are now working our way across the left hand side (as you stand with your back to the road) of the site clearing undergrowth and digging/scraping down to good masonry.  If there are too many volunteers to work in that area then you will find an area of the cobbled forecourt exposed.  That area also needs clearing.  Good luck, I hope the weather is kind.  I will be taking a rest by carrying on with restoration work at my house in France!! It's called "A Busman's Holiday".

On my return - 1st November a decision will be made on the possibility of working in November.   It will be mainly weather dependent and in any case the work is meant to be enjoyable and not a penance!