Heritage Lottery Fund Support Update, September 2012
Heritage Lottery Fund Support Update, September 2012
An application for a grant for Mellor Mill and Oldknow's Legacy had been rejected in March 2012, but we were encouraged to collaborate with Britiash Waterways (now Canal and River Trust), whose application for Enriching Marple's Waterway Heritage [the Peak Forest Canal promoted by Oldknow] was also rejected.
The joint bid, Revealing Oldknow's Legacy: Mellor mill and the Peak Forest Canal in Marple, was submitted in June 2012. In September, we heard that the bid had been successful at Stage 1, the development stage, which will run to June 2013, when a second stage application will be submitted. A decision would be expected in September 2013. If successful, a £1.3million project would run through 2014-15-16.