
Please read this paper, we have recently had published, on the website. This is the most prestigious archaeological journal in the world. The highly qualified editorial team rigorously peer review all submissions for publication. So a real feather in our cap to have ours accepted and published.

Bob Humphrey -Taylor, June 2nd 2020

Hill Pan web

1. Introduction

It is widely accepted that climate change, augmented by the rapid in- crease of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions since pre-industrial levels, will have considerable impacts on our environment, society and heritage (Pachauri, Reisinger 2007). The impact of climate change on our cultural heritage is receiving much attention, understandably concentrating on coastal areas that will be threatened by sea level change both eustatic (Daly 2010; Croft 2013) and, more recently, isostatic (Pet- tersson, Jonsson 2017).

This paper outlines the approach of one project to these threats and problems - STORM: Safeguarding cultural Heritage through Technical and Organisational Resources Management, a project co-funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union, specifically concen- trating on the UK pilot site at Mellor, Stockport. The STORM project aims to develop a novel set of tools, models, techniques, and services to aid owners of cultural heritage assets in protecting their sites from the impacts of both climate change and natural disasters amongst other threats.

Read the full article